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Assembly Language Tutorial

Many years ago, a popular computer magazine in Portugal, now defunct, published a tutorial about x86 Assembly Language. The tutorial is in Portuguese, and it is the only one this complete in Portuguese (but I have seen some in English that are worthwhile to have a look at). If you don’t speak Portuguese, I feel sorry, I know you will feel difficulties following what is written.

This tutorial is very old, no one uses anymore computers of such ages, and it would appear, at first sight, that it is a complete waste of time to learn from so dated materials. Actually, it is not, students keep downloading this tutorial everyday, recommended by schools and universities. Probably, the explanation is that it constitutes a good first approach to the learning of x86 Assembly Language.

The course is contained in 6 .pdf files and 3 .zip files with training materials for the last 3 lessons.

1) Programar em Assembly (Parte I)

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2) Programar em Asssembly (Parte II)

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3) Programar em Asssembly (Parte III)

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4) Programar em Asssembly (Parte IV)

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5) Programar em Asssembly (Parte V)

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6) Programar em Asssembly (Parte VI – última)

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